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To help you find easier ways to commute to work, the CEO Human Resource Services created the OC Rideshare Program for County of Orange and Superior Court employees. Through our program website, you can learn about various Rideshare modes and incentives, submit or renew your Club Rideshare applications and stay updated with our newsletters and events.
Rideshare Modes

Carpooling is where two or more working adults travel together in one vehicle, and usually take turns driving their own vehicle or share the travel-related expenses (including fuel, tolls, parking, etc.).

Vanpools are month-to-month "super carpools" requiring at least five riders with similar work schedules, living near one another, and working at the same destination. One person leases the vehicle and does most of the driving while the other passengers pay a monthly fare.

Commuter Rail/Metrolink
Metrolink is the regional commuter rail system that operates trains on seven lines in Southern California, with 62 stations, on 534 miles of track. There are twelve stations located in Orange County and many more in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

Heavy Rail/Amtrak
Amtrak is the passenger railroad service that provides medium and long-distance inter-city rail services in the US. In Southern California they operate the Pacific Surfliner that serves the communities between San Diego and San Luis Obispo with many stops located in Orange County.

Public Bus/OC Bus
OC Bus is a transit bus service operated by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), which serves every city in Orange County. Some bus lines serve the Los Angeles County border communities, along with express service to Downtown Los Angeles and Riverside.

Walking and Bicycling
Bicycling and walking to work is the most cost-efficient means of commuting. Riding a bicycle or walking to/from work reduces your monthly gasoline expenses, helps the environment, and provides an opportunity for some exercise.

Telecommuting, also known as telework or remote work, is an agreed upon work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work and instead complete their job duties at home or a satellite work center.
Rideshare Incentives

Start Carpooling
To help you find the right commuting partner, we’ll add you to the regional RideMatch website that will provide a RideGuide with carpool matching, vanpool opportunities and transit route details. With this tool, you can contact others interested in carpooling or vanpooling to work.

Start a New Vanpool
If you start a new vanpool, you could be eligible for a $300 incentive when you lease an authorized vanpool vehicle.

Try The Train or Bus
This program provides a reimbursement of your OC Bus or Metrolink train pass for the first three months! You can submit receipts and be reimbursed on your paycheck for 75% of the cost for the first month, and 50% for the second month and then 25% for the third month.

Commuter Choice Pre-tax Program
It is easy to pay for bus, train or vanpool fares with the Commuter Choice Pre-tax Program! You can purchase transit, train or vanpool “tickets” through payroll deduction and reduce your overall taxable income by up to $325 per month – enroll and start saving!

Get a Charge
Thinking about purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle? If you do, you may be eligible for a $100 incentive through the GET A CHARGE program.

Club Rideshare
If you carpool, vanpool, take the bus or train, drive an EV/PHEV, bicycle or walk to work, or telecommute you can register for Club Rideshare. Members are eligible for monthly drawings, merchant discounts and other contests. Our monthly newsletters highlight additional discounts and alerts.

Guaranteed Ride Home
If an emergency arises on a day that you rideshare to work, we’ll reimburse you for a ride home using a taxi, rental or ride hailing service up to two times per year. Send in your receipt and the GRH Claim Form and you could be eligible for reimbursement – see GRH Overview for more details.

IE Commuter
Live in the Inland Empire? — Whether you’re thinking about starting to rideshare or are already doing so, you may be eligible for one or more of IE COMMUTER incentive programs if you reside in either Riverside or San Bernardino County. These incentives are offered by RCTC and SBCTA.
Additional Resources
Contact Us
Email: rideshare@ocgov.com | Call: 714-834-7600